The modern classification of thermodynamic systems considers thermodynamic processes occurring both within thermodynamic systems and between thermodynamic systems. These processes differ in their regularity, which must be taken into account when analyzing the functioning of machines as thermodynamic systems. The article describes the main patterns of processes occurring in thermodynamic systems and their consideration in the operation of various machine designs. thermodynamic properties of machines

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Термодинамика биологических систем

Термодинамика биологических систем 2006Термодинамика биологических систем представляет собой раздел термодинамики, описывающий функционирование биологических систем активного типа, т.е. преобразующих энергию продуктов питания и других источников энергии посредством непрерывного чередования циклов биохимических реакций, основным из которых является синтез и расщепление АТФ. Зтот принцип функционирования обеспечивает живым организмам свойства фенотипической адаптации и ряд других.

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Traditionally, scientific research in biology, medicine, as well as ecology is based on methods of observation and experiments. This does not allow us to determine the actual processes occurring in living organisms and their patterns, but only to make certain assumptions. As a result, the definition of life, the function of homeostasis, biorhythms and others still do not have an unambiguous understanding, and the solution of problems is carried out through numerous experiments, often not leading to concrete results. This paper analyzes the functioning of living organisms from the perspective of modern physics, or rather nonequilibrium thermodynamics, which is the […]

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The essence of homeostasis and other properties of living organisms: stemming from thermodynamics of biological systems

Homeostasis and its role in the functioning of living organisms as non-equilibrium thermodynamic systems have been carefully investigated. The author tends to prove that homeostasis remains as a desire of a living organism to be closer to an optimal equilibrium thermodynamic state, depending on the conditions of its functioning. Simultaneously, a few definitions are clarified, such as the principle of life activity of living organisms, a living organism, life, the purpose of life, as well as the property of loss and restoration of functions.   CONTINUE READING

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